Admission Procedure FY 2022-2023
Qualification of Applicants
Students must be permanent residents of Calamba. They must have graduated from any public or private school recognized by the Department of Education (DepEd) or from a higher education institution recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).2
Schedule of Application
Application for admission will start on April 28,2022-June 10, 2022.3
Program Offerings
The City College of Calamba offers the following programs for this Fiscal Year 2022-2023:- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology*
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education*
Complete the following requirements. Incomplete requirements shall not be accepted.FRESHMEN Requirements
- Downloaded and duly accomplished CCC Student’s Application Form (GCTCDO-FO: 27) (Google form and printed computerized form)
- Photocopy of Report Card/Form 138, Grade 12, first semester grade , and 2nd semester (if available)
- Photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Photocopy of PSA/NSO/Local Birth Certificate
- Photocopy of Barangay Certification indicating the number of years of residency (should be at least five years) of the applicant and parents/guardian.
- Photocopy Parents’/Guardian’s Voter’s Identification/Certification, or Student if available
- 3 pcs. 2x2 Picture (white background)
- Photocopy of COVID vaccination card/certification (if available)
TRANSFEREES Requirements
Transferring to CCC
City College of Calamba will accept transferees provided they have passed the following qualifications:- The student does not have any grade of 5.00, Dropped, or Incomplete in any semester from his/her previous school/s.
- The student passed at least 36 academic units with a general weighted average of 2.25 or better for all collegiate academic units taken.
- The student will have to complete not less than 50% of the remaining units in the chosen program in the College.
- The Program Director has the prerogative on the admission of transferees with exceptional cases (i.e., Grades of 5.0, dropped, and INC) which will be dealt on a case-to-case basis.
Kindly the following steps fro the submission of completed requirements.- Applicants shall proceed to City College of Calamba’s Guidance, Counseling, Testing, and Career Development Office and submit the duly completed requirements.
- Applicants shall fill out the following forms: Application Number Sheet (GCTCDO – FO: 26), Checklist/Acknowledgment Slip, and Examination Permit (GCTCDO – FO: 24),
- No examination fees will be collected.
- The office shall only accommodate 50-80 applicants per day in a first come first serve basis.
Schedule of Examination
Schedule of Admission Examination will be held on JULY 21, 2022.- A week before the examination date, school and room assignments will be posted on the CCC Guidance Office Official Facebook page.
- Suppose an applicant cannot attend the scheduled examination day due to an unforeseen occurrence. In that case, they must notify the Guidance Office and request rescheduling with a valid reason and supporting documents.
- The applicants shall bring the following on examination day; (a) Examination Permit, (b) Identification Card, (c) Pencil, and (d) Black and blue ballpen.
Health Protocols
In adherence to IATF, the following health protocols shall be observed:- The examinees MUST be fully vaccinated and present the vaccination card/certification from authorized center.
- No face mask, no entry policy will be strictly implemented
- Mandatory temperature check and sanitation before entering the school premises is required.
- Mandatory accomplishment of the Daily Health Check form or contact tracing form/present their QR Code
- Applicants will be reminded to observe social distancing, and shall enter the examination area one at a time.
- No examinees should have cough, cold, flu, and fever as stated in health protocols.
- Non-examinees and parents are not allowed to stay in the examination room and school premises.
Announcement of Passers
The list of qualified applicants who passed the admissions screening will be presented on the City College of Calamba’s official communications channel. In addition, they shall be given a psychological test for further assessment and shall be scheduled for interview with the Guidance Counselor.Pre-registration Process
Pre-registration Process
Once the Admission Slip has been sent to their e-mail account during their applications, all qualified candidates are asked to pre-register at the URL supplied during the specified period. In addition, qualified candidates must complete the Guidance Transition Interview Form.11
Enrollment and Medical Examination Procedures
Please take note of the following:- The CCC Registrar's Office will contact qualified candidates regarding enrolling procedures. Furthermore, qualifying individuals will be forwarded to CCC Health Services.
- Please contact the office regarding the filing of medical tests (drug testing, x-ray, and dental). Failure to follow the admission standards will result in their admission to the CCC revoked.
Applicants may send a message to gctcdo@ccc.edu.ph or the CCC Guidance, Counseling, Testing, and Career Development Office Facebook Page with questions or clarifications.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the programs offered at CCC?
- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Secondary Education Major:
- Science Education
- English Language Education
- Mathematics Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
How much is the tuition fee at CCC?
What are the requirements needed for admission at CCC?
How does one apply for admission at CCC?